Big Vision Eye Care AI Imaging Solution | Adding Fuel to the Fire for China’s New Medical Infrastructure

Forge Ahead into a New Journey, Make Achievements in a New Era

According to the decisions made at the State Council’s executive meeting on September 7th, it was decided to provide stage-based financial interest subsidies for equipment updates and upgrades in some fields, and increase credit support for social services, to promote consumer-driven growth. Subsequently, the National Health Commission issued a notice, intending to use financial interest-subsidized loans to update and upgrade medical equipment. Financial interest-subsidized loans are generally fully open to all public and private medical institutions, with each hospital having a loan amount of no less than 20 million yuan. The directions for the use of loans include the purchase of various types of medical equipment for diagnosis, treatment, clinical testing, critical illness, rehabilitation, scientific research transformation, and more.

As a leader in the ophthalmic imaging industry, Big Vision Medical will provide comprehensive ophthalmic imaging solutions to hospitals at all levels based on the interest-subsidized loan policy. We aim to achieve scientific, intelligent, and future-oriented medical equipment upgrades and renovations. Together with our industry partners, we will contribute to the fast lane of China’s new medical infrastructure, adding fuel to the fire and promoting its development.

01 Ocular Disease Screening Solution

As an important examination equipment for ocular diseases, Big Vision Medical’s fully automatic AI OCT has the function of fully automatic examination, easy operation, and integrates industry-leading multi-modal ophthalmic imaging assistance diagnostic system. It can accurately assist clinical diagnosis and treatment, which can solve the pain point of the lack of high-level doctors in county and grassroots medical institutions.

AI can assist in analyzing 16 major ocular diseases.
Business Process of Ocular Disease Screening Project

Through Big Vision’s Ocular Disease Screening Solution, regional ophthalmic data centers, regional ocular disease prevention and control guidance centers, expert reading centers, and grassroots ocular disease screening outlets can be established for hospitals at all levels. This will build a grid screening system for ocular diseases, and achieve comprehensive upgrading and renovation of medical equipment and information systems.

02 Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Solution

Big Vision’s MIAS ophthalmic imaging storage, processing, and analysis system can provide AI-assisted diagnosis and analysis for diabetic retinopathy. MIAS adopts advanced deep learning algorithms to achieve more accurate identification, segmentation, and automatic labeling of lesion areas of diabetic retinopathy. It also provides quantitative analysis results and probability of diabetic retinopathy staging based on quantitative analysis.

MIAS Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Report

MIAS can seamlessly connect with mainstream brands of fundus cameras to automatically upload ophthalmic images. It also supports batch image uploading and allows reports to be viewed, edited, and printed on multiple terminals.

03 Myopia Prevention and Control Solution for Children and Adolescents

Big Vision is committed to providing a one-stop myopia prevention and control closed-loop management solution for children and adolescents, including screening, education, prevention and control, and early warning. It includes screening for eye health and vision risk factors, collection of eye vision data, and interpretation of matching reports. Parents can quickly obtain visual screening reports, view eye health screening reports, visual trend analysis, and online consultation services through their mobile phones.

Myopia Prevention and Early Warning System for Children and Adolescents
Myopia Prevention and Control Detection Projects and Equipment Types

Service institutions can use the background system to match corresponding operational conversion content, conduct standard keyword matching, and push operational content.

04 Eye Health and Vision Inspection Solution for 0-6 Year-olds

As a basic equipment for eye health and vision inspection for children aged 0-6 years old, the visual screening device is a standard medical equipment in maternal and child health hospitals. The visual screening device provided by Big Vision is easy to operate and has fast smart detection speed, which can measure the refractive status and screen for abnormalities such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and uneven refractive power in children.

Visual Screening Device BVS200
Eye Health and Vision Inspection Management System for Children Aged 0-6 Years Old

Combined with Big Vision’s self-developed Eye Health and Vision Inspection Management System for children aged 0-6 years old, it can intelligently retrieve children’s age and automatically match their inspection projects, achieving intelligent data collection. Parents can check their children’s records, receive follow-up reminders, warning alerts, and personalized science popularization education through WeChat official account. Individual and regional eye health big data can be detected and analyzed in real-time.

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