Honors and Qualifications

First prize of the 10th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award

“The Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award” is named after Mr. Wu Wenjun, an outstanding scientist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has the qualification of nomination for the National Science and Technology Award and is known as the “highest award in China’s intelligent science and technology”. It represents the highest honor in the field of artificial intelligence.


Jiangsu Science and Technology Award Second Prize.


Jiangsu Excellent Artificial Intelligence Product Award.


Participated in the development of OCT artificial intelligence industry standards for ophthalmology

On March 16, 2019, the National Medical Products Administration issued the “Plan for the Establishment of the National Artificial Intelligence Medical Device Standardization and Technical Centralized Unit”. Big Vision Medical Technology became a member of this organization. In 2020, Big Vision Medical participated in the formulation of the industry standard “Development and Verification Methods of Artificial Intelligence-assisted Diagnosis Model Based on Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography Images”, which was approved and will be officially released in 2021.