Eye care and eye prevention in front – Big Vision and Soochow University Ideal Ophthalmology held the first eye health activity into the organ

In order to further care about the eye problems of employees, strengthen the awareness of eye love and eye protection of employees, and better prevent eye diseases. Recently, Big Vision and the Ideal Eye Hospital affiliated to Soochow University came to the administrative center of Gusu District to carry out the “Eye care, eye love and prevention in front” eye health activities.

The activity began, the staff knew in advance that the activity could use advanced artificial intelligence technology to carry out a comprehensive eye health examination for free, and they came one after another, the screening activity has not yet begun, the hall of the administrative center of Gusu District has been crowded with workers waiting for the inspection, and the staff conducted registration checks for them in turn.

The new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT developed by Big Vision has made many staff who have gone to the hospital for OCT inspection bright, and have praised the artificial intelligence OCT inspection as efficient, fast and convenient. After the examination is completed, the staff can quickly query the examination report by scanning the code on the mobile phone, and can search the popular science knowledge related to eye diseases in the wechat mini program at any time.

Through the use of artificial intelligence OCT equipment, the staff screened 16 kinds of ocular lesions for employees in a timely manner, including “retinal pigment epithelium detachment, retinal cleft, hard exudation, anterior retinal membrane, ellipsoid band loss” and other fundus changes. At the same time, ophthalmic consultation services are provided through “face-to-face” communication, and detailed explanations are given on how to judge, prevent and treat common eye diseases, advocating that people consciously take the initiative to prevent eye diseases and pay attention to eye health.

The incidence of fundus diseases in our country is increasing, and it has become the first cause of irreversible blindness. Patients with fundus diseases in our country account for 54.7% of all patients with blinding eye diseases, and the awareness rate of senile macular disease is only 9.2%. A large number of patients have missed the best treatment period because they have not been checked in time, resulting in irreversible visual function impairment.

Comprehensive fundus screening is imperative

The first eye health activities into the organization, not only let the staff enjoy the convenience, but also let them have a comprehensive understanding of their own eye vision, improve the area of staff eye health awareness, in order to achieve early inspection of eye diseases, early detection, early treatment has played a positive role.

At present, Big Vision has conducted public eye health screening for people of different ages in communities, schools and institutions, covering tens of thousands of people in total. In the future, Big Vision will continue to deepen the field of ophthalmology artificial intelligence, pay attention to the eye health of all ages and life, and strive to achieve universal eye health, so that everyone’s eyes are bright and clear.

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