Good news! Big Vision Medical BVD6600 series dry eye detector has been successfully approved for medical registration

We warmly celebrate that BVD6600 series dry eye detector independently developed by Big Vision Medical has successfully obtained the medical device registration certificate issued by Jiangxi Provincial Drug Administration on September 19, 2023!

In 2023, the expert consensus on the application of artificial intelligence in the clinical diagnosis of dry eye (2023) was officially published in New Progress in Ophthalmology. Professor Chen Xinjian, the founder of Big Vision Medical, participated in the compilation as the writing expert. Dry eye, as a common eye disease, has a high prevalence and involves a wide range of people. The symptoms include dry eye, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, itching, visual acuity fluctuation, etc.

In order to help the clinical diagnosis and treatment of dry eye and effectively solve the problem of dry eye affecting the national eye health, Big Vision Medical Technology has independently developed the BVD6600 series dry eye detector through the continuous efforts of the team. It has the characteristics of intelligence, comprehensive, user-friendly, one-key report generation, long-term follow-up and other characteristics, which can quickly and accurately assist the diagnosis of dry eye. Help improve the quality of life and work efficiency of patients.

The successful approval of BVD6600, a dry eye detector, fully reflects Big Vision Medical’s strong independent research and development capabilities of software and hardware, and further improves the layout of ophthalmic intelligent equipment of Big Vision Medical Technology to provide people with more comprehensive and intelligent eye health services.

Product Introduction

BVD6600 series dry eye detector adopts large Placido ring scheme, so the examination range of tear film break-up and other items is more complete. There is no need to manually change the lens or switch the light source and magnification when conducting different items of examination. Automatic eye recognition during examination; According to the actual examination items of patients, the examination report can be generated with one click, and the hospital can also customize the report template according to needs.

Seven items of dry eye comprehensive examination

The comprehensive examination including tear meniscus height, tear film break-up time, meibomian glands, eyelid margin, eye redness, lipid layer, and corneal staining was completed in one stop. The advanced deep reinforcement learning AI algorithm model was used to achieve more reliable quantitative analysis and provide valuable examination basis for the clinical diagnosis of dry eye.

Inspection report data at a glance

The examination report is easy to understand, and a number of comprehensive examination results can be printed with one click, and its data and grade are clear at a glance, which is convenient for doctor-patient communication.

Five mainstream dry eye questionnaires were built in

As an important basis for standardized assessment of patients’ symptoms, dry eye questionnaire can effectively help doctors to make a diagnosis of dry eye.

Long-term FOLLOW-UP

Through the visual comparison of previous examination images and results, it can better monitor the development of the disease and assist in evaluating the effect of diagnosis and treatment

Cloud Platform architecture

After the examination, the dry eye examination file is automatically established, and the examination report can be viewed in multiple terminals by scanning the two-dimensional code.

BVD6600 series dry eye detector is the fourth medical device registration certificate approved by Big Vision Medical after ophthalmic image storage processing and analysis system, automatic artificial intelligence OCT and vision screening instrument. At present, Big Vision Medical biometry has also entered the testing stage and is expected to be sold in June 2024;At the same time, the ophthalmic OCT image-assisted diagnosis software MIAS-3000 developed by BigVision Medical has successfully completed clinical trials, and is expected to be approved by the world’s first OCT assisted diagnosis of three types of syndrome in June 2024, leading ophthalmic AI to enter a new realm of more comprehensive and accurate.

Since its establishment, Big Vision Medical has been focusing on the independent research and development of ophthalmic artificial intelligence software and hardware, and is committed to becoming the global leading brand of ophthalmic artificial intelligence. The continuous enrichment of the product line makes Big Vision’s road of AI enabling ophthalmology more solid. In the future, Big Vision will continue to adhere to independent innovation, increase the transformation of scientific research achievements, promote the popularization and application of intelligent ophthalmic equipment, and comprehensively serve the eye health of the people.

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