Exhibition Express | AI wisdom illuminations the west, Big Vision together to build a dream of national eye health

Plug the academic talk of caring for visual health

 Northwest five provinces (autonomous regions) ophthalmology academic annual meeting

On May 27, the 18th Academic Conference on Ophthalmology of the five Northwest Provinces (autonomous regions) and the 2023 Ningxia Ophthalmology Annual Conference were held in Yinchuan, Ningxia. Follow the pace of Xiaobian and enter the lively exhibition site together!

BV exhibition site directly

In terms of the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, the allocation of ophthalmic resources in China has always been inadequate and unbalanced, and at the Western Ophthalmology annual meeting, the “automatic artificial intelligence OCT” independently developed by Big Vision showed its extraordinary significance in fundus screening.

This smart product can screen for a variety of common fundus diseases, can automatically identify and label the lesion area, and give AI-assisted diagnostic opinions while restoring the real information of the lesion. The automatic operation of the inspection process + voice doctor-patient guidance greatly reduces the learning curve, and the operator can quickly complete the inspection skillfully. Big Vision has been working on intelligent innovation in the field of ophthalmology AI for many years, providing solutions for the pain points of ophthalmology resources in China. At present, Big Vision AI intelligent ophthalmology series products have entered more than 200 grassroots institutions in the country.

Popular booth Big Vision heavyweight ace to face

Professor Xu Xun, National Clinical Medical Research Center for Ocular Diseases, came to instruct
Professor Zhao Chen of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University came to instruct

During the exhibition, Professor Xu Xun from the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Eye Diseases and Professor Zhao Chen from the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University visited the Big Vision booth to experience the artificial intelligence eye health innovative wisdom series products, and praised the convenience, efficiency and intelligent accuracy of AI OCT.

Professor Xu Xun has shared the current situation and challenges of fundus diseases in China, the significance of fundus disease screening and the importance of AI OCT in screening, Professor Xu said that artificial intelligence OCT has great potential in fundus screening, and it is expected that Big Vision automatic artificial intelligence OCT can accelerate the promotion and popularization in grassroots hospitals and community screening. Let innovation and wisdom come to the people, care and protect the eye health of the whole people.

West Frontier Scenery, Academic Discourse

Intelligent Awakening, Leap to see extraordinary

Let AI intelligence see the west

Let AI enable precision diagnosis and treatment

In the country in the world run out of acceleration

Build “eye” color great health

Build a dream of universal eye health

Bigwig worked hard for the goal

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