Exhibition Express | The 8th National Dry Eye Academic Conference, Big Vision arrived as scheduled with the BVD6600 dry eye detection device.

The highly anticipated “8th Dry Eye Conference” arrived as scheduled on November 4-5, 2022 at the Rongxin Huayi Hotel in Haicang, Xiamen! The “Dry Eye Conference” has gone through eight years and has become a characteristic conference brand in the fields of domestic and foreign dry eye, ocular surface and tear, and traditional Chinese ophthalmology. Here, new concepts, new developments, and new technologies from both China and abroad collide and converge, receiving extensive recognition and attention from the industry.

Big Vision was invited to help with this grand event, presenting the BVD6600 dry eye detector at the exhibition and joining hands with many ophthalmic experts and doctors in attendance to celebrate the occasion.

In recent years, with the popularity of electronic products and changes in people’s living environment and lifestyle, the incidence of dry eye has continued to rise. In 2019, there were about 214 million dry eye patients in China, with over 190 million patients over the age of 65, accounting for as high as 75% of the total cases. However, the current diagnosis rate of dry eye is only about 15.1%. Dry eye has become an important issue affecting the ocular health of our nation.

As a leader in China’s ophthalmic artificial intelligence field, Big Vision has always been pushing forward in the field of eye health. At this conference, Professor Chen Xinjian, founder of Big Vision Medical Technology, gave a keynote speech on “Intelligent and Efficient, Comprehensive and Full-fledged: Opening up a New Experience in Dry Eye Detection”. He introduced the new product BVD6600 dry eye detector to the audience, calling for more attention to be paid to dry eye syndrome. At the same time, he hoped that Big Vision’s innovative research and development products can better help with early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of dry eye syndrome, contributing wisdom and strength to the booming development of China’s ophthalmology industry.

Professor Chen introduced during his presentation that Big Vision’s BVD6600 dry eye detector adopts a large Placido ring technology scheme and integrates the industry-leading ophthalmic imaging AI algorithm. It allows for a one-stop, rapid completion of 7 dry eye examinations and has built-in multiple dry eye questionnaire scales. This makes dry eye-related examinations more convenient, fast, and comprehensive, providing more valuable information for dry eye clinical diagnosis and treatment.

BVD6600——AI makes dry eye detection smarter.

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During the conference, the BVD6600 dry eye detector attracted many visitors with its intelligent and accurate features, user-friendly operation, one-click report generation, and long-term follow-up tracking capabilities.

Big Vision will not forget its original intention and mission of “early detection of every problematic eye and providing the best treatment plan”. It will continue to explore new technologies closely related to visual health, research new trends, and share new products. Looking forward to meeting you again next time!Big Vision will not forget its original intention and mission of “early detection of every problematic eye and providing the best treatment plan”. It will continue to explore new technologies closely related to visual health, research new trends, and share new products. Looking forward to meeting you again next time!

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