CCOS 2019 is underway and Big Vision MIAS is performing exceptionally well

It’s time for the annual national ophthalmology conference. At noon on September 6, 2019, Big Vision held a satellite session on “Clinical Application of Ophthalmic Bi-Modal Artificial Intelligence System”, where three top ophthalmologists spoke about their experiences with the Big Vision Bi-Modal Ophthalmic Imaging Artificial Intelligence System The story of MIAS.

The AI can be used for clinical verification. Professor Qu Jia, Director of Wenzhou Medical University Optometry Center, presented the results of the clinical validation of the MIAS in cooperation with Wenzhou Eye, which comprehensively compared the specificity and accuracy of the MIAS algorithm with the consistency of diagnosis by clinicians at all levels. 17 common ophthalmic diseases were diagnosed in a double-blind manner, and the accuracy and specificity of the MIAS reached over 97%. The performance is excellent.

Professor Dai Hong, Director of Beijing Hospital Ophthalmology, mainly explained the technical advantages of MIAS in accurate quantitative analysis of diseases. This latest black technology of Big Vision is capable of 3D modeling and visualization of lesions based on automatic labeling of disease areas, which allows ophthalmologists to observe disease patterns from any angle; MIAS also gives quantitative data on the area and volume of lesion areas. MIAS can also be used to predict the development of disease and track the efficacy of treatment, which can bring substantial help to doctors’ clinical treatment.

Chen Jili, director of ophthalmology at the North Hospital in Jing’an District, Shanghai, presented on the topic of artificial intelligence “double jump” to improve the level of glucose screenings in the community. At present, the technology of using fundus color photography for glucose screenings has become more common, but fundus color photography is a 2D image, and it is difficult to detect other fundus pathologies of patients. By comparing 641 diabetic patients, Director Chen found that MIAS, a dual-modality artificial intelligence system that integrates OCT and fundus color photography, is able to detect more types of diseases and has a higher accuracy rate than a single fundus color photography intelligent screening system, which has obvious advantages. The related results have been published in professional journals and widely reported by the media.

The reports from three experts from the clinic and the community give Big Vision more confidence to better apply AI to the field of ophthalmology treatment. Finding every pair of eyes with problems and giving the best treatment plan, Big Vision is always on the way.

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