Stay true to your original aspiration and grow in 2022; the journey is about to advance in 2023

The year 2022 that has just passed has been an extraordinary year; the recurrence of the epidemic has brought huge challenges to companies’ market development and other work. For medical AI, including ophthalmic AI, 2022 is another year of great significance. At the beginning of the year, artificial intelligence was included in the “14th Five-Year Plan” National Eye Health Plan for the first time: In September, Shenzhen and Shanghai successively released Regulations on promoting the development of the artificial intelligence industry, encouraging medical institutions to use artificial intelligence products and services such as assisted decision-making, imaging or data processing, and supporting the exploration of charging models for artificial intelligence medical devices in clinical applications

As a pioneer in ophthalmology AI in China, Big Vision Medical adheres to its original intention of empowering ophthalmology diagnosis and treatment with advanced AI, faces difficulties, and has embarked on a solid path of growth in 2022. Big Vision’s fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT products are being launched faster, and advanced ophthalmic AI can serve more people: the myopia prevention and control system for children and adolescents has been successfully applied on campus: the vision screener has been certified and launched, the dry eye detector has made its debut, and the company’s products The lines are constantly enriched: the Big Vision Eye Health Science Popularization Museum is put into operation, and science popularization and public welfare activities continue: we continue to strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation with ophthalmology experts, and jointly explore the path and value of clinical application of ophthalmic AI.

Successful application of product

With good operation friendliness and powerful auxiliary diagnostic functions, Big Vision automated artificial intelligence OCT has become the fastest growing OCT in district, county and grassroots hospitals in the past year; Despite the adverse impact of the epidemic, Big Vision’s OCT installed capacity in 2022 has more than doubled from 2021, and has been applied in more than 200 hospitals: from Etuoke Front Banner in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, to Kashgar bachu, Xinjiang, Big Vision OCT AI has provided auxiliary diagnostic services for nearly 50,000 people throughout the year. We are pleased to see that not only district and county hospitals, but also some township health centers, such as Jiangsu Suqian Xiaodian Health Center and Henan Weishi Xingzhuang Health Center, have successfully carried out fundus examination services using artificial intelligence OCT. With the deepening of the aging degree of our society, the prevalence rate of various fundus diseases continues to rise, and the prevalence rate of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in people over 50 years old reaches 15.5%. Only more than 1600 top-three hospitals can not meet the huge population of ophthalmic patients. We hope that every county hospital or township hospital in China can perform fundus examination through OCT. With the scientific and technological strength of AI, Big Vision Medical promotes the application and popularization of OCT examination in district, county and grass-roots hospitals, and makes positive contributions to the cause of fair, inclusive and accessible eye health.

In 2022, Big Vision Medical children and adolescents myopia prevention and control early warning system into Kunshan and Suzhou Industrial Park campus, completed nearly 10,000 students vision screening and eye health files, to provide scientific and technological support for children and adolescents bright future, the platform’s efficient and accurate characteristics have been praised by schools, medical institutions and authorities 2022, Big Vision Medical has reached a strategic cooperation with Gairu Health Technology, a leading domestic primary care solution provider, to become its specialized supplier of ophthalmology products and services, and the first batch of fundus screening AI systems has been applied in Nanning, Guangxi.

Innovation of technology

Relying on strong product technology innovation capabilities, Big Vision Medical continues to expand the layout of ophthalmic smart devices; In September 2022, Big Vision BVS200 series vision screening instrument was officially introduced to the market with the approval of medical device registration certificate, which will provide a more convenient vision examination tool for the prevention and control of myopia for children and adolescents; In November, Big Vision debuted its new product BVD6600 thousand eye detector at the industry exhibition, integrating the industry’s leading eye image AI algorithm to quickly complete dry eye 7 Item inspection, fast, intelligent, comprehensive product advantages become the focus of the site;In December, Big Vision Medical artificial intelligence OCT’s new models BV1000S and BV1000T were approved for medical device registration certificates, which bring users a new equipment experience for different scenarios.

At present, the total amount of high-quality ophthalmic medical resources in China is relatively insufficient and the distribution of uneven problems exist. The use of advanced AI to enable ophthalmic clinical diagnosis and treatment is the only way to solve the shortage of ophthalmic medical resources in China. For this reason, Big Vision has launched a series of overall solutions such as diabetic retinopathy screening, myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents, 0-6 years old eye health and vision screening. Help to solve the actual pain points in the clinical work of optometry, optimize the screening and diagnosis process,improve medical work efficiency.

Academic research

In order to build AI high-level academic exchange platform in the field of ophthalmology AI and further promote the transformation and application of medical imaging A scientific research achievements, in 2022, Big Vision Medical jointly held the second Suzhou International Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence Forum with the Medical Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory of Soochow University and the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Eye Diseases. The conference took the form of offline and online live broadcast, inviting many well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to jointly interpret and discuss the innovation achievements and development of ophthalmic AI technology, and accelerate the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of ophthalmic medicine. The live broadcast attracted more than 12,000 viewers, and has become one of the most influential ophthalmic AI academic forums in China.

In 2022, Big Vision Medical cooperated with the expert team of Shanghai Jing an District Shibei Hospital and Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital, On the application of multimodal AI in the screening of sugar mesh in community hospitals and the application of OCT AI in the screening of multi-disease retinal diseases in community, in 《Biomedical Engineering》、《Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology》and other international journals have published papers to verify the accuracy of Big Vision Medical ophthalmology AI and the feasibility and application value in community eye disease screening. It shows that Big Vision ophthalmic AI can provide valuable diagnosis and treatment information for grass-roots ophthalmologists, benefiting the majority of eye disease patients. The National Key Research and development program “Key Scientific Issues of Transformative Technologies”, “New Theory and New Technology of Artificial Intelligence Meta-Learning and Its Demonstration Application in Medical Image Big Data”, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Diagnosis and Clinical Application of Retinal pigment degeneration Based on artificial intelligence radiomics”, in cooperation between Big Vision Healthcare and the Medical Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory of Soochw University, are progressing smoothly.

Publish papers in international journals

Big Vision Medical was one of the first members to join the national artificial intelligence medical device standardization technology centralized unit in 2019, and then became a member of the artificial intelligence medical device innovation cooperation platform in 2022. It participated in the formulation of the “Identification and Assessment of Medical device Network Security Vulnerabilities” led by the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, and has been published.

In addition, in 2022, the Medical Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory of Soochow University, which has in-depth cooperation with Big Vision Medical, has published more than ten SCI papers in the field of ophthalmic artificial intelligence. Up to now, it has published more than 120 high-quality academic journal papers, and more than 20 papers have an impact factor greater than 10, including 12 papers in IEEE Transactions on Medical imaging (IF=11.037). IEEE Transactions on image 8 (IF=11.041), etc. Typical cooperative institutions include Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University, Shanghai First People’s Hospital, the Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Shantou International Eye Center and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Medical Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory of Soochow University has provided a powerful original innovation engine for Big Vision Healthcare.

Collection of research papers

Public welfare of science popularization

Eye health is a public welfare undertakings; Since its establishment, Big Vision has persisted in carrying out various popular science and public welfare activities. On June 6, 2022, the “National Eye Care Day”, under the care and guidance of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the public Interest Party and the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the public Interest Party, Big Vision Eye Health Science Center Set sail with love. Make full use of the advanced ophthalmic artificial intelligence cloud platform and other emerging technologies to carry out science popularization and public welfare screening and free diagnosis activities in multiple forms, dimensions and channels. Together with the little reporter of Suzhou and the Youth Activity Center of Suzhou High-tech Zone, the “Love Eyes Family Day” was held to help children learn and understand the common sense of eye care through a vivid and effective form, conduct a comprehensive eye health examination, and establish a lifelong eye health record.

In 2022, in order to promote public awareness of Love the eyes and protect the eyes, Big Vision output high-quality eye love and eye care science popularization content through the video number “Dr. Chen talks about eye AI”, which has been pushed on a number of new media such as Tiktok, watermelon video, and bilibili station, with a total of 100,000 plays, popularizing knowledge of eye diseases and technological progress of artificial intelligence in the field of ophthalmology for the public.

Honor received

In 2022, Big Vision won a series of honorary awards for its innovative research and development achievements in the field of ophthalmic AI. The ophthalmic OCT image-assisted diagnostic software (MIAS-3000) developed by Big Vision was named in the list of finalists of the Artificial Intelligence Medical Device Innovation Task of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Fully Automatic Artificial Intelligence Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and was selected into the eighth batch of excellent domestic medical equipment products list of the China Medical Equipment Association. Won the honorary title of “Ophthalmic Science and Technology Progress” by the Ophthalmology Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Equipment Association and the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology, leading the brand power Dream artificial intelligence medical device innovation task with core strength and ingenuity.

MIAS-3000 successfully entered the list of artificial intelligence medical device innovation tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Big Vision AI-OCT was selected into the eighth batch of excellent domestic medical equipment products list of China Medical Equipment Association
Won the honorary title of “Ophthalmic Science and Technology Progress”

Looking ahead to 2023, we are full of confidence

With the adjustment of epidemic prevention policies, China’s economic operation is expected to pick up in 2023, and science and technology enterprises will usher in new development opportunities.

In 2023, Big Vision will continue to promote the application of ophthalmic AI in clinical diagnosis and screening, and boost the grassroots eye diagnosis and treatment ability through AI empowerment, so that more grassroots patients can enjoy high-quality eye AI services to contribute scientific and technological strength to achieve early detection and early treatment of eye diseases.

In 2023, Big Vision Medical will vigorously expand the application of automatic artificial intelligence OCT in the field of optometry and physical examination, so that AIOCT can become a smart and easy to use good helper for optometry and physical examination customers, and can carry out various high value-added businesses of myopia prevention and control more professionally and safely.

In 2023, Big Vision will increase the market development of new products such as vision screening instrument and dry eye detector, promote the application of hospitals at all levels across the country, and provide intelligent and efficient product services for doctors and end users.

Though it be difficult, yet it can be done. As long as you have the ambition of “fool’s moving mountains”, the perseverance of “dribbling water wears away stone”, and work hard and steadily, you will be able to turn the grand goal into a beautiful reality. “Find every pair of eyes with problems early and give the best treatment plan”, Bigwin always on the road, let’s strive forward together for a bright future.

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