Exhibition Express l Big Vision wonderfully appeared at the 2023 China International Education Equipment (Shanghai) Expo.

From March 15th to 17th, 2023, the 2023 China International Education Equipment (Shanghai) Expo was successfully held in Shanghai. Many education equipment products that integrate artificial intelligence, big data, and other elements made their appearance, helping to promote a new round of comprehensive education reform.

In recent years, “preventing and controlling myopia in children and adolescents” has become a national strategy. Governments, schools, parents, and medical institutions attach great importance to it, and efforts to prevent and control myopia have been actively promoted nationwide. Big Vision actively responded to the national call and exhibited its independently developed children and adolescent myopia prevention and early warning system, as well as the Eye Health Management product series. The exhibition showcased the comprehensive application of Big Vision’s products, from equipment to overall solutions.

During the exhibition, Big Vision’s booth attracted many visitors who were interested in experiencing the equipment. The advanced and intelligent vision screening product, combined with the children and adolescent myopia prevention and early warning system, can intelligently collect, analyze, and automatically upload student vision data, establishing a scientific, comprehensive, and intelligent eye health record. The device plus platform, full-case campus myopia prevention and screening solution received widespread praise.

Technology empowers education, and Big Vision will continue to explore and utilize technologies such as the Internet and big data analysis to provide professional and comprehensive one-stop eye health management services, striving for a bright future for children and adolescents.

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