Highlights of VC Expo | Big Vision Works with Optometry for New Developments in Vision Care

On the day of the Li Chun (the beginning of spring) in 2022, a story of unity and dreams began in Beijing. The whole world gathered for the grand event of the Beijing Winter Olympics, sharing the glory of the Olympics. As scheduled, in the spring of 2023, on the first anniversary of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the long-awaited vision care industry event, the “2023 VC Conference,” was held in Beijing.

VC2023 adheres to the style of “cross-disciplinary innovation with classical heritage, seamless integration of industry, academia and research, and equal emphasis on internationalization and localization.” Breaking through the restrictions of the industry, field and discipline, it invites domestic and foreign experts in ophthalmology, optometry, vision science, and masters in the eye and vision care industry at home and abroad to explore the clinical new technologies, research trends, industrial development trends, and new concepts of talent cultivation closely related to visual health.

Winter Olympics Holy Land, Vision Care Field Summit, Gathering Together and Focusing on the Scene

The conference also held at the same time:

The 2023 National Exhibition of New Technologies and Products for Visual Health

Big Vision Medical

As a pioneer of domestic ophthalmic AI,

opened the curtain for the intelligent imaging vision field in ophthalmology.

Directly Hit the Wonderful Scene

Now, let’s walk into the VC exhibition hall together

Feel the academic atmosphere gathered by numerous talents

Witness the innovation and leadership of a national brand while visiting Big Vision Medical Technology in the exhibition.

This time, the full range of Big Vision AI innovative products are on display

Fully self-developed automatic AI OCT

Convenient and efficient visual screening device

They became the popular kings of the exhibition

attracting many visitors to come and experience them

The “14th Five-Year Plan” National Eye Health Plan (2021-2025), issued by the National Health Commission, outlines a beautiful blueprint for national eye health. It specifically points out the importance of improving the early diagnosis and treatment capabilities of eye diseases such as fundus diseases and glaucoma, reducing disease burden and blindness rates. It highlights the focus on two key populations: children and adolescents, and the elderly, to improve their eye health. The plan also promotes in-depth integration of emerging technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, 5G, and ophthalmic services to improve early screening capabilities for eye diseases.

 Professor Chen Wei from Wenzhou Medical University Affiliated Eye Hospital
 visited the Big Vision booth to provide guidance

China is a populous country, and the allocation of ophthalmic medical resources is uneven. Big Vision has a focus on expertise and effectively alleviates the contradiction of inadequate and unbalanced allocation of ophthalmic medical resources in our country through advanced ophthalmic artificial intelligence technology. This reflects the perfect integration of AI technology with clinical diagnosis and treatment thinking, which has extraordinary significance for improving the efficiency and comprehensive strength of clinical diagnosis and treatment for doctors.

Different from traditional diagnostic devices, Big Vision’s innovative intelligence can achieve: “voice-guided cooperation between doctors and patients, fully automatic pupil positioning and focusing, AI automatic recognition of lesion areas, segmentation and annotation, detailed display of disease location and type in disease section reports, and rapid completion of bilateral eye examinations.” This can shorten the doctor’s overall operation time, making it more accurate and efficient to meet clinical diagnosis and treatment needs.

Exploration knows no bounds, and the beauty of eyes is not limited to this. As a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development and production of ophthalmic imaging AI software and hardware systems, Big Vision has shown remarkable performance in independent innovation capability, and its research progress in the AI field is rapid. In the future, conducting clinical diagnosis and treatment empowerment based on AI intelligent technology innovation, spreading and inheriting its significance will be of great importance, although the journey ahead will be long and arduous.

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