Mother’s Day Special Edition | Caring for your eyes makes the future brighter

On May 14, 2023, we celebrated a special holiday – Mother’s Day. Big Vision Medical Technology joined forces with the Suzhou Young Journalists Association to invite mothers to bring their children to care for their eye health. A special public science popularization event was held at the Big Vision Eye Health Science Museum.

First, understand the structure of the eye

The eye is a very delicate organ, consisting of multiple parts including the ocular wall, aqueous humour, lens, cornea, retina, etc. Together, they form an optical system that perceives light from the outside world, transmits signals to the brain, and generates vision. By protecting our eyes, we can better discover the wonders of the world.

But do we really understand our own eyes?

 What is the structure and function of the eyes?

Explanation of ocular anatomy and physiology

In order to give children a more intuitive understanding of the physiological structure of the eye, the children were divided into four groups and competed to assemble an eye model. “This is the vitreous body,” “This is the iris,” etc.

Little doctors and PhDs

After assembling the eye model, and according to their favorite roles, the children dressed up in white physician coats or wore doctoral caps. The children were both excited and curious, competing with each other to test their mothers’ eye health.

Further understanding of eye care knowledge.

With age, Mom may face various eye problems such as myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, cataracts, and glaucoma. These issues may affect their daily lives, hinder their ability to see the world and us.

“I Have Something to Say”

One child said, “I always see my mom rubbing her eyes and using eye drops when she comes home from work. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, but I really want to help her.” Mom seems to have three heads and six arms, making everything difficult seem easy and simple. But we have noticed that she is not invincible, her eyes speak and even cry…

We have come to understand that this mom is a typical dry eye patient. Dry eye syndrome usually manifests as dryness, itching, pain, and fatigue in the eyes. As the patient ages, the secretion of tears gradually decreases, tears evaporate too quickly or other conditions lead to dry eye syndrome. Currently, dry eye syndrome is becoming a common and prevalent disease that affects our daily life and work. Therefore, we need to regularly help Mom to have eye exams to ensure their eye health.

Caring for Mom’s Eye Health – Showing Your Love That She Can See.

Alphabet game.

 In the alphabet game, children need to quickly memorize the English words on the screen. Every ten words constitute a group, and they need to fill in the blanks for these words within a limited time. This not only requires their hand-eye coordination, but also tests their memory and speed.

In this competition, children show off their accomplishments and feel remorseful about their failures. However, in our daily lives, the role of being a mom demands a lot. Moms need to stay alert and flexible at all times to take care of every aspect of our family life, from chores to taking care of children, from work to family management. She takes care of everything without complaint and silently puts in her effort.

This Mother’s Day special eye care event uses an entertaining and educational approach. It not only allows children to gain knowledge about eye care, recognize the importance of protecting their eyes, but also understand the hardship of being a mom and show appreciation for their sacrifices.

Big Vision Medical provides free eye health check-up services, including visual acuity test, intraocular pressure measurement, fundus examination, and more. Through this check-up, children and mothers can timely understand their eye health status and take corresponding preventive and treatment measures.

Let’s continue to join the eye care action and cultivate good eye habits. Let’s protect our “vision” world together and make the future more colorful!

Big Vision Eye Care Tips

1、Maintain the correct sitting posture: long-term poor posture can cause neck and back pain and also increase the risk of myopia. It is recommended to stand up and walk around or do some simple stretching exercises every once in a while.

2、Reasonably arrange reading time: maintain the correct posture during reading, with a distance of 30-35 centimeters between the eyes and the book. Take breaks regularly and stay away from screens such as phones and computers.

3、Increase outdoor activities: more outdoor activities can relieve eye fatigue and improve far-sightedness. It is recommended to have at least one hour of outdoor activities every day.

4、Regularly check your vision: regular vision checks can detect vision problems early and prevent myopia from worsening.

5、Pay attention to a healthy diet: consuming foods rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E can prevent eye diseases, such as oranges, blueberries and other fruits.

6、Use eye drops frequently: if you experience symptoms such as dryness and redness in the eyes, you can use appropriate eye drops to relieve the symptoms.

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