Health Conference on Central China’s Five Provinces and One City | Full Automatic AI OCT Shines at Academic Event, Promoting High-Quality Development of Chronic Disease Management.

On April 28th, the 6th “Health Conference on Central China’s Five Provinces and One City” and the “3rd China Chronic Disease Risk Assessment and Control Conference” with the theme of “Innovation-Driven Development, Integration of Central China’s Characteristics”, was held in Chongqing. Renowned experts in China’s health management discipline gathered in the mountain city and conducted in-depth exchanges on the academic forefront of health management and the characteristics of central China, focusing on new demands, new models, and new methods of health management under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.

Gather in the Mountain City to Discuss Health

The eyes of health management colleagues from across the country are focused on Chongqing. After the opening ceremony, authoritative experts in the field of health management were invited to deliver keynote speeches on academic hot topics, and the atmosphere on-site was warm and full of distinguished guests.

On-Site at the Big Vision Booth

The eyes are an important window to understanding the world and obtaining information, and the fundus is also the only body tissue that can be directly and non-invasively observed for blood vessels and systemic microcirculation. With the popularization of health knowledge, people have gradually realized the importance of eye health. With the continuous development of intelligent healthcare, it has also brought more benefits to the vast number of eye disease patients.

In the exciting theme sharing at the conference, experts mentioned that most fundus diseases cause irreversible harm to us. Early screening and diagnosis are crucial for the prognosis of the disease. By using advanced artificial intelligence technology to assist in conducting comprehensive screening of eye diseases and health risks, it can greatly improve efficiency and clinical diagnostic level, which can contribute to the individualized and refined development of health management and bring new opportunities to the health management industry.

In the “Healthy China 2030” planning outline, comprehensive health management has become an important strategic goal for building a healthy China. With continuous technological progress, AI technology is increasingly being applied in medical and health areas. As a leader in China’s ophthalmic artificial intelligence field, Big Vision participated in this academic event on chronic disease management with its independently developed fully automatic AI OCT, shared scientific and technological achievements with peers in the health industry, exchanged innovative models, and jointly promoted the high-quality development of chronic disease management in China.

Big Vision upholds the original intention of “early detection of every problematic eye and providing the best treatment plan,” and tirelessly pursues technological innovation to contribute to the medical and health industry using the power of AI.

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