“National Eye Care Day” Big Vision Medical Eye Health Science Museum Cares for the Eye Health of Key Groups

June 6, 2022 was the 27th “National Eye Care Day”. With the care and guidance of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party, the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party, and the active support of the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, the Big Vision Medical Eye Health Science Museum was established and opened. Mi Qizhi, Vice Secretary-General of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Deputy Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Party Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Zhang Dongchi, Vice Chairman of the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Science and Technology Bureau, attended the event along with the Suzhou Municipal Health Commission, Association for Science and Technology, Disabled Persons’ Federation, China Zhi Gong Party High-tech Zone Committee, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Social Affairs Bureau, Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, Entrepreneurship Center, Suzhou Experimental Middle School and officials from related departments.

At the beginning of the event, Chen Xinjian, Chairman of Big Vision Medical Technology, delivered a welcome speech, stating: “As a company dedicated to artificial intelligence in ophthalmology, we have a firsthand understanding of the severe challenges faced by eye health in China. In order to improve public eye health, we not only develop and produce advanced ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment products, but also make contributions in promoting eye health popular science knowledge and enhancing public awareness of eye care. It is based on this starting point that the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, where our company is located, has specially coordinated and arranged a venue for the Eye Health Science Museum, and built such a modern Eye Health Science Museum.”

Awarding and Opening Ceremony.

Mi Qizhi, Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Party Jiangsu Provincial Committee, awarded the Eye Health Science Museum the “Zhi Fu Guang Ming – Caring for Key Populations’ Eye Health Base” plaque, and the Suzhou Disabled Persons’ Federation awarded the Eye Health Science Museum the “Assisting Disabled Eye Health Base” plaque. Zhang Dongchi, Director, Cheng Bo, Chairman, and other relevant leaders unveiled the plaques for the “Suzhou Eye Health Popular Science Base” and the “Suzhou University Medical Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory Eye Health Popular Science Education and Practice Base” at the Eye Health Science Museum.

Chairman Mi Qizhi, Vice Chairman Zhang Dongchi, Chairman Cheng Bo, Vice Chairman Wu Lei, Deputy Director Wu Xuxiang, Vice Chairman Wang Yu, and Chairman Chen Xinjian jointly completed the opening ceremony of the Eye Health Science Museum.

After the Big Vision Medical Eye Health Science Museum is put into operation, it will fully play its role as a carrier of eye health public welfare platform. It will focus on two key groups: children and adolescents, as well as elderly people. Through promoting eye health scientific knowledge, actively carrying out public screening and free clinic activities, enhancing public awareness of eye care, and contributing to the cause of eye health, it will become an important platform for public welfare related to eye health.

Visiting the Science Museum.

After the ceremony, the leaders and experts present visited and interacted at the Eye Health Education Science Museum. The Big Vision Medical Eye Health Science Museum covers an area of approximately 500 square meters, with a focus on two key groups: children and adolescents, as well as elderly people. It is equipped with advanced ophthalmic examination equipment including subjective and objective refractometers, biometric measurement instruments, OCT, fundus cameras, and corneal topography maps.

In order to attract children and the elderly to pay attention to eye health and learn about it, Big Vision Medical has injected more technological attributes into the Eye Health Science Museum. It fully utilizes emerging technologies such as advanced ophthalmic artificial intelligence, cloud platforms, etc., integrating “popular science promotion, public welfare screening, and correction services” into one, and is committed to creating a high-tech eye health popular science and public welfare base with professionalism, vividness, and universality.

Here, whether children or adults, they can learn and understand eye care knowledge through more vivid and effective forms, undergo comprehensive eye health examinations, experience leading ophthalmic artificial intelligence screening systems, establish lifelong eye health records, and help more people develop good eye care habits and regular check-up habits.

We pay attention to universal eye health and build a healthy world with bright eyes. This is the theme of this year’s “National Eye Care Day”. Let us take action together, care for our eyes, and enable children, the elderly, and every one of us to have a healthy and bright world.

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