Big Vision Receives First Prize in the 10th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award

Recently, the tenth “Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award” was officially announced. The “Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award” is named after Mr. Wu Wenjun, an outstanding scientist, mathematics master, pioneer of artificial intelligence, pioneer and leader of intelligent science research in China, winner of the first National Supreme Science and Technology Award, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher of the Institute of Mathematics and System Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and honorary chairman of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence. Mr. Wu Wenjun, the honorary chairman of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence, is named after Mr. Wu Wenjun, a science and technology award established by relying on social forces, and is qualified to nominate and recommend the National Science and Technology Award, representing a major breakthrough and the highest level in the field of artificial intelligence in China.

In the year of 2020, Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award has awarded 8 prizes for technical inventions, including 3 first prizes, 3 second prizes and 2 third prizes. The project “Intelligent Medical Image Analysis and its Clinical Diagnosis Application”, led by Dr. Chen Xinjian, Professor of Soochow University and Chairman of Big Vision, was awarded the first prize of the 10th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award.

Big Vision has been working in the field of medical artificial intelligence for more than 10 years, and is committed to the research of frontier scientific issues related to artificial intelligence medical image analysis and its clinical diagnostic applications, and has made outstanding contributions in the fields of big data processing, medical image recognition and applications. He has not only achieved a number of international leading scientific research results, but also successfully applied these results to the intelligent upgrading of China’s ophthalmic medical field, achieving significant social benefits and making significant contributions to the promotion and practice of artificial intelligence technology in ophthalmology and industrial empowerment in China.

This time, Big Vision won the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award, which fully proves Big Vision’s R&D strength and leading position in the field of ophthalmic artificial intelligence. In the future, Big Vision will continue to deepen its efforts in the field of ophthalmic AI, and keep moving forward to promote innovation and development in the field of ophthalmic artificial intelligence science and technology in China.

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