The stars are chasing the moon and shining brightly! Big Vision was pursued by 50 capital and industry experts

Against the backdrop of the ongoing implementation of China’s Smart Manufacturing 2025 program, China’s economy is growing rapidly and technology is advancing by the day. In the field of big data artificial intelligence, the number of Chinese startups and potential unicorns is similar to that of the United States, which is very bright. Big Vision, as a company that has been cultivating in the field of artificial intelligence for more than ten years and has made significant breakthroughs in developing completely independent intellectual property products with very good product market reactions, was recently sought after by more than 50 capital and industry gurus in Beijing, including PointCorp Capital, Sequoia Capital, Sycamore Capital, China Science and Technology Investment Corporation, Junlian Capital, etc.!

Since the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on August 29, 2018, which called for the protection of youth vision and the whole society to “take action”, the capital market and all walks of life have been paying more and more attention to youth myopia prevention and control, and the track of the eye health industry has become clearer and clearer.

In this capital internal meeting, Big Vision Chairman Chen Xinjian said, Big Vision is located in the ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment system developer, has developed the country’s first fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT with fully independent intellectual property rights, as well as the country’s only integrated fundus color photography and OCT dual-modality ophthalmic image assisted diagnosis system, the product technology level of the world’s leading. Taking fundus disease as the entry point, the company has launched a new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT-BV1000, MIAS, MIPA and bright lemon terminal for B- and C-sides respectively, enabling public and private hospitals, medical examination centers and optometric centers to carry out eye health management and diagnosis, with the mission of “early detection of every pair of eyes with problems and giving the best treatment plan”. With the mission of “early detection of every pair of eyes and the best treatment plan”, we aspire to build the world’s top ophthalmic artificial intelligence company.

The product was first presented at the National Fundus Forum in Shanghai in November 2019 and achieved high evaluation in the market. in December 2019, Chen Xinjian, Chairman of Big Vision, received an appointment letter and was officially appointed as the expert of the first group of experts for the standardization of artificial intelligence medical devices homologation unit.

After the text of the first phase of the economic and trade agreement in trade negotiations between China and the world’s only superpower was confirmed and agreed upon by China and the United States, the image of China’s rise became clearer along with the continued development of high-speed rail, spaceflight, supercomputing, 5G, etc. At the same time, more and more Chinese companies are catching up and leading the world in technology development and production. Looking ahead, Big Vision will continue to uphold the enterprise spirit of “dream, passion, and practicality” to empower ophthalmology treatment with artificial intelligence and create more value for users.

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