Hu Yan, Director of Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and other leaders came to visit Jiangxi Big Vision

On September 8, Hu Yan, director of the Department of Science and Technology of the State Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xu Peng, director of the High Technology Division of the Department of Science and Technology, Hu Juwen, vice mayor of Ganzhou City, Bu Zhiyi, leader of Zhanggong District, and other leaders visited Jiangxi Big Vision to understand the products and development of the enterprise, and care about the practical problems encountered in the development of the enterprise and the need for government support and assistance.

Mr. Chen Xinjian, Chairman of the Board of Directors, reported to Mr. Hu the core team, product development and production of Big Vision, focusing on the new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT BV1000, a Class II medical device registration certificate and production license, which was awarded in August. Unlike the mainstream OCT in the industry, BV1000 can achieve automatic pupil positioning and focusing, voice guidance throughout the process, easy to operate, and can perfectly adapt to different scenarios such as optometric centers, medical examination centers and primary hospitals where ophthalmic medical resources are tight. At the same time, the integrated artificial intelligence algorithm can assist in diagnosing more than twenty kinds of fundus diseases within 2 minutes and accurately mark the disease lesions. The perfect implementation of hardware and software leads the development trend of OCT at home and abroad.

During the communication with Mr. Chen, Director Hu inquired in detail about the production of the new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT BV1000, and when she learned that BV1000 has been tried and performed well in many tertiary hospitals, she personally experienced BV1000 and highly praised the simplicity of its acquisition process, the clarity of image quality and the efficiency of artificial intelligence analysis. She encouraged Big Vision to continue to maintain the momentum of product development, accelerate the production and sales of products, and try to make its own contribution to the serious shortage of ophthalmic medical resources in primary care institutions.

For many years, Big Vision has been committed to the research and development of ophthalmic artificial intelligence aided diagnosis software and polishing, with the new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 came out, will greatly improve the lack of medical resources in basic medical institutions, truly realize the value of artificial intelligence, for the realization of “early detection of each pair of eyes with problems, and give the best treatment plan This is a significant step forward in achieving “early detection of every eye problem and the best treatment plan”.

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