Professor Chen Xinjian’s proposal on myopia prevention and control was positively recognized by the Jiangsu Provincial Education Department

The National Health and Wellness Commission released data showing that China’s youth myopia rate ranks first in the world, including children and adolescents aged 6-18 years old myopia rate has reached 53.6%, nearly 100 million people, including high school students myopia rate of more than 80%, the problem of youth myopia has become an important social problem facing China. 2020 since the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, children and adolescents spend less time outdoors, the Online training time lengthened, the challenge of myopia prevention and control has become more and more severe.

Youth myopia prevention and control is a major issue related to the overall quality of the nation, and has received great attention from the Party and State leaders, and is an important element of the Health China strategy. The proposal of “technology empowerment and social cooperation to effectively improve myopia prevention and control under epidemic conditions” was submitted at the fourth session of the 12th CPPCC of Jiangsu Province. In the fourth session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Jiangsu Province, Zheng submitted a proposal on “Technology Empowerment and Social Cooperation for Effective Improvement of Myopia Prevention and Control under Epidemic Conditions”, and made the following recommendations for “effective myopia prevention and control for children and youth under epidemic conditions

〓 Rely on the community to strengthen the role of the family in the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents

〓Establish a unified and fully connected platform for child and adolescent eye health management

〓Make full use of big data and advanced artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency and quality of myopia prevention and control

〓Focused attention and continuous follow-up on children and adolescents with high myopia

Recently, Prof. Chen Xinjian received a reply to proposal No. 0531 from the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province, which stated that “the proposal has important reference value” and provided guidance on how to carry out “comprehensive myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents in Jiangsu Province”. The provincial education department will work with the provincial health commission and other departments to jointly promote the construction of vision health records, carry out children’s eye care and vision examination from the age of 0, establish vision health electronic files, and make full use of big data and artificial intelligence advanced technology to improve the level of prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in Jiangsu Province; strengthen the community, schools and parents on myopia prevention and control The study of publicity and guidance; improve the school health work system, increase the training of professional technology, improve the business ability and level of school doctors and health management personnel, around the goal of achieving a year-on-year decline in the rate of myopia among children and adolescents in Jiangsu Province, in accordance with the principle of prevention-oriented, prevention and treatment combined, and steadily promote the comprehensive prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents.”

Source: Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the fourth meeting of the 12th session No. 0531 proposal response document

As the leader in ophthalmic artificial intelligence in China, Big Vision has developed the fully automated artificial intelligence OCT BV1000, which integrates the industry-leading OCT ophthalmic imaging artificial intelligence algorithm and has the advantage of “intelligence, precision and efficiency”, effectively alleviating the pain point of insufficient eye health screening professionals and meeting the demand for large-scale myopia prevention and control screening for children and adolescents on campus.

Big Vision AI OCT “BV1000” appeared in CCTV first time

Big Vision has also developed the “Bright Lemon Eye Health Intelligent Management System” to provide intelligent system solutions for campus eye health screening; and to provide comprehensive one-stop eye health management services for youth archiving and follow-up based on image as the core eye health data.

Big Vision will take practical action to fulfill its mission of “detecting every pair of eyes with problems early and giving the best treatment plan”, adding bricks to the strategy of a healthy China and continuing to work hard for a bright future for China’s children and youth.

September 7, 2021

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