Ride the waves and become a better version of yourself at Big Vision

At 8:00 am on August 30, 2021, not unlike the usual ‘Monday’, the office area of Big Vision gathered partners from various departments from all over the country who were “going home for reunion”. With laughter and expectation, the whole Big Vision team took a special bus to the beautiful Taihu Lake Cowboy Style Resort to catch the tail of the 2021 “Autumn Tiger” and spend an unforgettable day under the 35° high temperature, breakthrough and unity.

The carefully prepared team projects made everyone immersed in them, and on this day, we were all young and full of fighting spirit 18 years old! Although we moved from the air-conditioned room to the hot and sunny outdoor area, each and every one of our teammates were highly motivated, plucked and harvested in sweat the happiness that belonged to the whole summer of Big Vision team in 2021.

 Be organized and practice makes perfect

A few simple bamboo logs, a few strands of rough rope, and a Roman gun mount capable of launching water balloons were made, and the battle was on.

From planning, execution, and coordination, every team member actively participated in repeated attempts to build the main structure of the cannon stand. We cheered when we succeeded, and were not discouraged when we failed. After continuous improvement, the partners who participated in the project went from the main structure, which was easy to fall apart, to a successful launch, and gained progress and success from close teamwork.

The PK between the groups, the cooperation between the two camps and the mutual attack, the launch of a water ball just like we broke through the layers of obstacles and difficulties, but also let every team member involved in the experience of “the victory of a battle, can not be separated from the dedication of each team”.

Innovation and breakthrough, seeking common ground while preserving differences

With no modern communication support and no language to convey, the team needed to rely on collaboration and wisdom to finally achieve the password transmission.

The intense brainstorming of the four team members broke through innovation again and again. At first, they made mistakes, errors and failures because they had no way to start; but after many communications, they kept improving and executing efficiently, adding innovative thinking while improving efficiency, and finally achieving victory. Let us understand from it, the importance of correct communication and effective instructions for the team.

Firm and indomitable, collaborate towards common goals

The 4.2-meter-high graduation wall, without the aid of any ropes, is the only way to survive. To get a new life, all of us must work together, voluntarily dedicate and sacrifice, and strive towards one goal. Never before had such an extreme challenge, we all felt confused and helpless at first, but we remembered that we are a collective, facing all difficulties, we united together, helping each other, not retreating, not giving up, facing and solving problems together. Under the guidance of the team commander-in-chief, we had a plan and division of labor for teamwork. Using the bodies of teammates as support, climbing a strong arm, forgetting the body pain and smoke mud, gritting our teeth to send every little one safely to the other side of victory.

In the unpredictable predicament, the team’s determination and cohesion to overcome difficulties made us build a bridge of trust, firm and solid.

Breakthrough and teamwork

This unforgettable development training, let us experience the sweat and tears of the experience, become efficient collaboration, mutual trust “comrades”.

In the future work, no matter how big the difficulties, Big Vision team partners will remember the youthful vitality of this expansion, so that full of fighting spirit to return to the battlefield, break through themselves, challenge the limits, to complete the impossible!

August 31, 2021

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