Eye Care Day special | Focus on universal eye health – Big Vision Care for a bright future for children and youth!

June 6 this year is the 28th national “Eye Care Day”, in order to actively respond to the General Office of the National Health Commission’s eye care Day “focus on universal eye health” theme, advocate the concept of “everyone is the first responsible person for their own health”, enhance the public awareness of eye care, Big Vision and Suzhou High-tech Zone Xinsheng Experimental primary school, the famous city of Suzhou little reporter, In the Big Vision Eye Health science Museum, a public science activity was held to love eyes and protect eyes.

Children and young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. In recent years, due to the popularity of mobile phones, computers and other products with electronic screens, excessive eye use, unhygienic eye use, lack of physical exercise and outdoor activities and other factors, the myopia rate of children and adolescents remains high and rising, and myopia is becoming younger and more serious, which has become a big problem related to the future of the country and the nation. The prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents requires the joint efforts of the government, schools, medical and health institutions, families, students and other parties, and the whole society needs to take action to jointly protect the eyes of children.

Know the eye

The eye is one of the most important organs of the human senses

Improper eye habits can lead to eye diseases

So what does the structure of the eye look like?

The eyeball is a very fine organ, including the wall of the eye, the aqueous humor, the lens, the cornea, the retina and other parts. Together, they form an optical system that senses light from the outside world and transmits signals to the brain to create vision.

In order to let the children have a more intuitive understanding of the physiological structure of the eye, this round of the game will be divided into four groups of children, the competition to assemble the eye model, “this is the vitreous body”, “this is the iris”…

Through these games, children can better understand their eyes, know how to protect it, and better understand how to avoid the occurrence of eye diseases such as myopia.

Game alert

After assembling the eyeball model, the children put on white doctor’s clothes or doctoral hats according to their favorite roles. The children are excited and curious, competing to do eye health games before and after…

What’s it like to be blindfolded and experience a blind person living in the dark for a minute? Some children began to shout: “This is only a minute?” It felt like an hour had gone by.”

For a limited time, follow the prompts and compete to spell the word correctly first. This not only reflects the child’s memory ability, but also exercises a pair of keen eyes. Some kids have already spelled it out, some kids are still looking for it…

Look at this child’s posture, is it the same as your usual homework, playing mobile phone posture?

Our professional optometrist adjusted the sitting position for them in time, and demonstrated the correct sitting position for everyone: “Sitting three to one, one foot, one inch, one fist.” A foot is a foot away from the book, an inch is a finger an inch away from the pen, and a fist is a fist away from the table.

Protection against myopia

The establishment of children and adolescents eye health archives can dynamically monitor the development of children’s eyes, discover eye diseases at the first time, and effectively treat them. Bigwig Medical calls for a comprehensive eye health refractive development profile for children as early as possible.

Often rub and squint your eyes
 Using eye closely
Tilt your head and frown
 Look closely at the object

We know the common early symptoms of myopia: blurred vision, squinting a lot when looking at a distance, keeping your eyes close together when doing homework, blinking frequently, frowning often, often tilting your head toward objects, and squinting when looking at things.

So how do we protect ourselves?

Bigwig’s eye care tips for kids:

Control children’s use of electronic products: parents should consciously control their children’s use of electronic products. The use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes a time, and the cumulative use should not exceed 1 hour a day; After 30-40 minutes of studying using an electronic device, take a break and relax for 10 minutes. The younger the age, the shorter the continuous use of electronic products.

More outdoor activities: parents should usually take their children to the suburbs to play, exercise, can relax the child’s body and mind, protect eyesight in addition, sufficient sunlight exposure can prevent myopia.

Develop scientific eye habits: reading and writing posture should be correct, develop the habit of “one foot one inch one punch” when reading, and the time should not be too long, every 40-50 minutes, should rest for 10-15 minutes, close your eyes or look far away for a few minutes or do eye exercises to prevent excessive eye fatigue.

Regular inspection of vision: Regular inspection of professional eye medical institutions can accurately understand the child’s diopter number and various eye parameters, and continuously track the child’s vision changes. It is recommended to establish a dioptric development file after 3 years of age and review it every 3 to 6 months.

The prevention and control of myopia is a project with a long way to go and a huge challenge, and it is a major issue concerning the fate of the country and the nation, which requires the joint participation of the whole society including the government, hospitals, schools, families and students. Big Vision will continue to practice the corporate mission of “early detection of every pair of problematic eyes, and give the best treatment plan” with practical actions, and work with all sectors of society to care for the eyes of children and provide scientific and technological support for the bright future of children and adolescents. Let us continue to join the love eye, eye protection action, further develop a good habit of using the eye, together to care for the “vision” of the eye, so that the future more “eye” color!

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