“Win-win cooperation | Big Vision and Bright Lemon’s ‘AI Empowers the Development of Ophthalmic Optics Business National Regional Business Salon’ successfully concluded in Ningbo!”

Director of Ophthalmology at Ningbo Eye Hospital, Dr. Yuwen Wang.

《The application of AI OCT in the prevention and control of myopia》

On February 23rd, the ‘AI Empowers the Development of Ophthalmic Optics Business National Regional Business Salon’, hosted by Big Vision Medical Technology, was successfully held in Ningbo. Entrepreneurs from Zhejiang province’s ophthalmic optics retail chain industry gathered to discuss how to improve market competitiveness and implement professional digitalization for vision centers, and explore new future developments for eye health.

This salon specially invited Professor Yuwen Wang, the former Vice President of Ningbo Eye Hospital, to share his insights with the audience.

A considerable proportion of the myopia population in China is highly myopic, and the probability of causing fundus lesions is much higher than that of ordinary people. In myopia intervention, more and more parents and students choose orthokeratology lenses, and a comprehensive fundus examination is required before orthokeratology lens fitting. A professional, accurate, and efficient AI OCT is particularly important.

Through clinical validation, ‘Big Vision’s AI OCT is very convenient. Patients only need to place their heads on the forehead support and stare at the target to complete automatic shooting, unlike traditional OCT, which requires manual operation and is inefficient and prone to missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.’ At the same time, Big Vision’s fully automatic AI OCT can automatically measure choroidal thickness, thereby better revealing the mechanism of myopia development and providing valuable reference for formulating more scientific and effective myopia intervention measures. It is foreseeable that AI OCT will play an increasingly important role in the prevention and controf myopl oia in children and adolescents.

During the Q&A session with experts, there was continuous online and offline interaction.

Senior Optometrist Ling Yonghong from Big Vision

《How can Ophthalmology (Optometry) achieve 5 million in the first year and double it in the second year?》

As Professor Yuwen Wang said, ophthalmology clinics (optometry) are the main places providing basic eye health services and provide 2/3 of eye health services to the public. If the optometry service terminal in the ophthalmology clinic can establish an eye health record for grassroots residents, track the entire process of their eye health condition, and provide suitable treatment plans based on their different characteristics and medical history, it can greatly reduce patients’ time and economic costs, improve service levels, and improve people’s willingness to seek medical treatment. It can also complement large medical institutions, and build a more complete eye health management model.

The original intention of Big Vision’s Bright Lemon Eye Optometry Management System was to provide standardized medical optometric construction standards for optometry centers, and provide professional services such as diagnosis, treatment, operation, and training to help customers and partners create more value. Currently, it has received recognition and praise from many optometry centers.

Zheng Xingyu, Big Vision’s Medical Project Management Director.

《The Bright Lemon Eye Health Management System: a powerful tool for optical shop transformation》

Optometry clinics and centers have played an important role in the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, but many of these centers have been transformed and upgraded from traditional optical shops and have shortcomings in terms of personnel, professional level, and examination equipment. They require comprehensive technical platform support.

Big Vision’s Bright Lemon Eye Health Management series of products integrates outpatient services, standard processes, patient services, professional training, customer management, operational management analysis, and diagnosis and treatment services. With the support of an integrated data and business platform, it can provide full-process professional services for the operation and management of optometry centers, provide overall solutions for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, and help traditional optical shops and optometry centers improve diagnosis and treatment specialization.

  In-depth product experience

Demo of Bright Lemon Eye Optometry Management System.
Experience of dry eye detector.
Experience of visiting optometry products.
Experience of vision screening device.

Souvenir for admission.

Science Press invites to write a monograph.

Amidst applause,



and expectation,

the national regional business salon on “Artificial Intelligence Empowering the Development of Eye Optometry Industry” by Big Vision Bright Lemon concluded successfully in Ningbo!

We look forward to meeting you at the next national regional business salon tour!

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