Ma Qiulin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress, visited our company

On June 4, 2021, Ma Qiulin, Vice Director of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress, and his delegation visited Big Vision for research and guidance. Prof. Chen Xinjian, Chairman of Big Vision, extended a warm welcome to the leaders and reported on our technology development, product advantages and product landing situation.

Professor Chen Xinjian, the founder of Big Vision, introduced the development of the company. As a returnee doctor, he responded to the national call and successfully implemented advanced medical imaging artificial intelligence technology in Suzhou, without the support and encouragement of Suzhou and even Jiangsu government. In the future, Big Vision will definitely live up to the expectations of leaders at all levels and continue to work hard to make the company bigger and stronger.

Director Ma experienced the new generation of artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 and bright lemon eye health management system independently developed by Big Vision, and praised the advanced artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis technology, automated control and full voice guidance of Big Vision products, pointing out that the popularity of artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 should be vigorously promoted, so that economically underdeveloped and backward medical resources can be used as soon as possible to improve the national eye health level.

Director Ma expressed his approval of Big Vision’s insistence on the road of technological innovation and promoting the implementation of advanced artificial intelligence technology through the combination of software and hardware, and considered that the company’s strategic positioning and development ideas are clear. We should continue to promote the innovation-driven development strategy with the guidance of Xi Jinping’s new era of Chinese socialist thought, and make innovation a powerful driving force for high-quality development. We hope that Big Vision will continue to develop and innovate to create new achievements!

Over the years, Big Vision has been deeply engaged in the field of ophthalmic artificial intelligence, and has successfully realized the transformation of technical achievements of intelligent medical devices combining hardware and software, maximizing the value of artificial intelligence and helping to realize “early detection of every pair of eyes with problems, and giving the best treatment plan”.

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