Installation News | Running on the road of AI-enabled ophthalmology Big Vision BV 1000 is installed in Xi’an Metallurgical Hospital

Xi’an, an ancient yet modern city. The 14th National Games, which has just concluded successfully, has made this ancient cultural capital, which has witnessed the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, once again glow with the amazing luster and vitality of the times. Quan Hongchan’s dominant reversal, Fan Zhendong’s first gold in the Games …. The spirit of the athletes’ courageous struggle deeply inspires us.

Riding on the east wind of the National Games, Big Vision also came to Xi’an. The fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 was successfully installed in Xi’an Metallurgical Hospital, adding strength to enhance people’s eye health services with advanced ophthalmic artificial intelligence technology.

Xi’an Metallurgical Hospital, founded in 1960, is a comprehensive hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention, health care and rehabilitation, which has always adhered to the hospital tenet of “developing medical science and technology and building hospital quality” and the service concept of “people-oriented and patient-centered”. “service concept, constantly increase hospital infrastructure investment, improve the medical environment and conditions, and strengthen the hospital specialty construction. The hospital has introduced advanced medical and health care management model, actively explored and created a new platform for medical and health care combination, and formed a special characteristic advantage of chronic disease management.

As an important part of national health, eye health involves the whole life cycle of people of all ages. With the deepening of China’s aging society, age-related fundus diseases such as age-related macular degeneration are becoming the first cause of blindness in the elderly population. There is one macular degeneration patient for every 6.5 people over 50 years old in China. Macular degeneration is very harmful to vision, if not treated, the vision of macular degeneration patients can be reduced to less than 0.1 within 2 years, and 80% of them may become blind, causing great harm to themselves and their families. OCT is an important screening device for fundus disease, and the popularization of OCT screening at the grassroots level is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of fundus disease.

According to the actual needs of people’s health, Xi’an Metallurgical Hospital attaches great importance to the promotion and popularization of eye disease knowledge, actively organizes eye disease screening and charity clinics, continuously strengthens the construction of ophthalmology profession, and is also actively exploring the use of new technologies to continuously improve the quality of basic public health services, including eye health.

The introduction of Big Vision’s fully automated artificial intelligence OCT gives the hospital a “precise, intelligent and efficient” ophthalmic examination tool. With automatic pupil positioning and focus and voice guidance throughout the whole process, the examination of one patient’s eyes can be completed in 2 minutes on average. It integrates the industry-leading ophthalmic imaging AI analysis system, which can assist in the diagnosis of 16 major ophthalmic diseases such as choroidal neovascularization, macular edema, macular fissure and vitreous warts.

In the words of Guo Wenmin, Director of Ophthalmology of Xi’an Metallurgical Hospital, the BV1000 is an OCT with automatic artificial intelligence, which is especially suitable for primary ophthalmology applications. The OCT1000 is a particularly suitable for primary eye care application.

We will find every pair of eyes with problems early and give the best treatment plan. Big Vision will leave its footprints in more and more cities on the road of “AI-enabled eye care”. In order to better care and take care of your eye health, Big Vision Eye AI is looking forward to meeting you soon.

September 30, 2021

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