The 5th Brainstorming on New Technologies for Ophthalmic Diagnosis and Treatment is in full swing, and Big Vision invites you to join us in Xi’an.

On June 18th, the “5th Brainstorming on New Technologies for Ophthalmic Diagnosis and Treatment” hosted by Xi’an Central Hospital was held at the Xi’an International Conference Center. This conference includes forums on myopia prevention and control, ophthalmologists’ discussions, new technologies for ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment, eye diseases related to systemic diseases, primary care physician forums, and forums for graduate students and residents.

Big Vision Medical Technology has always been focused on the research and innovation of ophthalmic AI technology and its clinical applications. At this conference, Big Vision showcased its fully automated artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 and Bright Lemon Eye Health Intelligent Management Cloud Platform, and shared them with many ophthalmic experts and doctors in attendance.

A View of Big Vision’s Booth

During the conference, Big Vision’s booth attracted many experts and doctors who were interested in experiencing the equipment. Through close contact with the BV1000, they experienced the “intelligent, precise, and efficient” ophthalmic examination tool. They recognized the advantages of the BV1000’s fully automated operation, its fast and convenient artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis, and other product features. Big Vision’s independently developed “Bright Lemon Eye Health Intelligent Management Cloud Platform” can provide intelligent system solutions for myopia prevention and control, focusing on eye health data that centers around imaging. It provides comprehensive one-stop eye health management services for youth file building and follow-up, receiving unanimous praise from the attending experts.

Dr. Du Zhaojiang from the Ophthalmology Department of Xi’an Central Hospital gave a keynote speech on the topic of “Applications and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence OCT”, introducing the product advantages and practical clinical applications of Big Vision Medical Technology’s fully automated artificial intelligence OCT BV1000 to attendees. The BV1000 uses a cloud platform architecture to establish an eye health record that users can view at any time. Combined with advanced artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis algorithms, it can truly achieve “early screening, diagnosis, and treatment” and make positive contributions to the prevention and treatment of fundus diseases.

Dr. Du Zhaojiang’s keynote speech scene

The 5th Ophthalmic Diagnosis and Treatment New Technology Brainstorming Conference is currently in full swing. Big Vision’s booth welcomes your visit and guidance!

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