[Big Vision – Public Welfare in Action] Big Vision and CKGSB held a “Jinan Community Eye Health Screening” event

Big Vision Public Welfare in Action ▏Be Upward and Kind

Since its establishment in 2015, Big Vision has been carrying out regular public welfare screening activities for ophthalmic diseases, practicing the corporate mission of “timely detection of every pair of eyes with problems and giving the best treatment plan” and benefiting thousands of families with advanced ophthalmic artificial intelligence technology.

CKGSB ▏No charity, no CK

Since its founding in 2002, CKGSB has always taken cultivating entrepreneurs’ humanistic care, social responsibility and global commitment as an important mission of the school’s development, and has so far built a mature alumni philanthropy platform and produced thousands of excellent philanthropy cases.

 Learn Party history with heart and do practical work with heart

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and to carry out the practical activities of “learning the history of the Party with heart and doing practical things with heart”, on July 3, Big Vision and CKGSB jointly held the theme activity of “Love Public Welfare Activity – Jinan Community Eye Health Public Welfare Screening”, aiming to continuously raise public awareness of eye health and bring convenient and high quality eye health services to community residents.

 Eye Health Screening Public Welfare Activity Site

At eight o’clock in the morning, the Big Vision team arrived at the Jinan community. Residents in the community knew in advance that the event would allow them to use advanced artificial intelligence technology for free comprehensive eye examinations, so they rushed to the event, and before the screening activity began, the hall of the Jinan Community Service Center was already crowded with residents waiting for examinations, and the staff registered them for examinations in turn.

The new generation of fully automatic artificial intelligence OCT BV1000, developed independently by Bigwel, brightened up the eyes of many elderly who had gone to the hospital for OCT examinations and praised the BV1000 for the fast and convenient automatic positioning and focusing function, which shortened the examination time. The examination images and results, as well as disease-related scientific knowledge, can also be viewed immediately after the examination is completed through cell phone WeChat.

 New Generation Fully Automated Artificial Intelligence OCT

This time, most of the participants in the eye health screening activities are elderly people, due to transportation, leg problems, long queuing time at large hospitals, etc., and also brought a lot of eye health problems to consult, staff through the use of artificial intelligence OCT equipment, for the Jinan community residents timely screening eye lesions including “retinal neovascularization, choroidal atrophy, hard exudate, retinal pigment epithelial layer detachment, macular anterior membrane and other fundus changes.

Some of the examiners were screened with the following images:

Examiner, Male, 75 years old
OCT screening images suggest: choroidal atrophy, drusen
Examiner, Female, 73 years old
OCT screening images suggest: anterior macular membrane, choroidal atrophy, posterior vitreous detachment

 Comprehensive fundus screening is imperative

The incidence of fundus diseases in China is increasing and has become the first cause of irreversible blindness, and patients with fundus diseases in China account for 54.7% of all patients with blindness.

This eye health screening activity let residents understand their own eye health status, enhance the awareness of eye health, and play a positive role in realizing early examination, early detection and early treatment of eye diseases.

 Big Vision Charity on the Road

Big Vision has been conducting eye health public welfare screenings for different age groups in communities, schools and institutions, covering tens of thousands of people in total. In the future, Big Vision will continue to deepen the field of ophthalmic artificial intelligence, focus on the whole life span of eye health for all ages, and work hard to achieve universal eye health, so that everyone’s eyes are bright and clear.

July 4, 2021

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